We’ve been working in Petit-Saconnex (between the Cointrin Airport and the Cornavin railway station) for the last 10 years, and in our current location in the commercial centre of La Tourelle since the end of 2005.


Welcome to the clinic of Thérapie de la Tourelle

We would like to propose to you:

. physiotherapy

. tips in ergonomics (working place)

. massage and exercices for pregnant women

. scar treatments

. physiotherapy at home

. re-education

. prevention of falls for senior citizens

. prevention

. osteopathy

. massage

. lymphatic drainage

. crochets myofasciaux

. trigger-points

. Sohier articular reharmonisation technique

. ...


. monday to friday: 7h°°-20h°°

. saturday: 7h°°-19h°°

. sunday: closed

How to arrive to the clinic?

site en français../tdltfr/bienvenue.htmlhttp://www.therapiedelatourelle.ch/fr/bienvenue.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0

I would like to thank my wife for the help she bring us and for the good functioning of the clinic.